Our Ministries
There are talents and gifts unique to you that are needed at Our Lady of the Shoals. A wonderful way to use those talents and gifts would be to volunteer for a ministry. Consider sharing your gifts and talents with our faith community. We need you!
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal service organization for men. The Knights meet once a month on Wednesday evenings to plan various fundraisers throughout the year.
Grand Knight: Henry Long (256-381-2599)
Music Ministry
Our music ministry is comprised of volunteers who generously sign up to bless us with their musical talents each week.
We are currently in great need of additional cantors and pianists. Former cantors and choir members are especially encouraged to serve the parish in this way, but new participants in this ministry are also greatly needed. Rehearsal times can be arranged as desired.
Please give prayerful consideration to offering your musical talents to the Lord. Contact our Director of Music Ministry, Robbie Bennett, at 256-381-3371 or the Parish Office if you have any questions.
Family Catholic Services
Catholic Family Services provides confidential counseling services to individuals and families in a Christian setting.
Everyone faces difficulties at one time or another. Often it is too much to handle alone. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Please call 256-768-1550 or e-mail dbuffaloe@bhmdiocese.org to schedule an appointment.
Altar Servers
It is a great privilege to serve at the Altar of our God, and therefore Servers are chosen from those who display a desire for a more intimate union with our Lord and God, Jesus Christ. Our parish has Altar Servers (boys and girls), who start after their first communion and continue for as long as we can keep them. All people of good faith are welcome and those who think they may desire to serve are encouraged to do so.
For more information about this ministry, contact the parish office.
Women's Society
The Women’s Society provides an opportunity for female parishioners (ages 18 and older) to support, empower and educate each other in spirituality, leadership and service. They meet once a month to plan various fundraisers throughout the year.
To get involved, contact Felice Green at raycfuss@aol.com or 256-383-1394.
The Shoals Helpline is a parish outreach program designed to help the needy in our community by providing food assistance through our food pantry. Those who need help, or those interested in volunteering, can call the helpline at 256-383-6456, and they will be called back within the week. Food pickup always occurs on Friday. For more information about this ministry, contact the parish office.
Helpline number: 256-383-6456
St. Vincent de Paul
The Florence Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has now served Colbert County for two years. During this time, SVDP members have visited 180 families in Colbert County and paid out almost $20,000 to prevent their utilities cut-off or eviction. In the past two years, we have issued more than $3,000 worth of Thrift Store vouchers for clothing, household goods, and furniture for Colbert County citizens.
We visit one to three families a week, spending 15 minutes or so each visit. These home visits provide person-to-person service to the poor; and, more importantly, they help us grow spiritually. We invite you to share this rewarding and unique ministry.
Jesus told us “whatever you do for the least of my brothers and sisters you do for me.”
Contact 256-718-0901 (calls taken on Wednesday mornings).
Homebound Outreach
The Elderly/Homebound Ministry provides a social connection to individuals who would benefit from a visit from a fellow parishioner. This ministry, through volunteer effort, visits residences, nursing facilities and other home situations of parish members. Reasons for visits range from providing spiritual support to a friendly visit to someone who just wants to make a new friend. The goal is to offer parishioners an encounter with other parishioners to experience God’s goodness through the kindness of others.
Through home visits, reassuring phone calls and sending cards or letters on a regular basis, our volunteers engage the elderly/homebound person through conversation and social support, as well as delivery of the sacraments. For more information about this ministry, contact the parish office.