As Saint Vincent DePaul Society caseworkers in our parish, each week we visit several families in need of help to keep their utilities on or to forestall eviction. Over the past three years we are seldom called to make a home visit to a Catholic family. Recently we visited two seriously disabled older sisters. They needed help with their utilities because of medical costs resulting from one of the sister’s surgery. They were so happy to have a Catholic presence in their home. Someone has been driving them to Protestant services, but, as one of the sisters said, “I know where to find the Real Presence and I want to go to Mass.” The sisters have been unable to receive the sacraments for years and cannot attend unless someone gives them a ride.All I had with me was one religious card about Saint Vincent which I gave them. Father Michael plans to follow up.It would be a blessing to give everyone we visit a rosary with a booklet or cards. If any of our parishioners have these items to share, please put them in a basket we will have in the main vestibule.
Thank you in advance.
– Colbert County St. Vincent DePaul Society